The first paper of Sumjee’s PhD has just been accepted in the Journal of Arid Environments. The paper, titled: “Rangeland degradation in Mongolia: A systematic review of the evidence” reviews literature on rangeland degradation in Mongolia, with a special focus on the grey literature. The study shows that rangeland degradation has become an increasing environmental…
Author: Isabel Barrio
Congratulations Dr. Klarenberg!
Last Friday Ingeborg defended her PhD thesis at the University of Iceland. The title of her dissertation is: Bacterial communities of lichens and mosses and nitrogen fixation in a warming climate. Congratulations Dr Klarenberg! The opponents were Dr. James Bradley, Queen Mary University of London, and Dr. Pauline Vannier, Research scientist at Matís. They did…
TUNDRAsalad in the news!
The TUNDRAsalad project was featured in the local news in Austurfrétt (in Icelandic)! TUNDRAsalad recently received permission for building up the fences for the coordinated experiment in Vesturöræfi, in East Iceland, from the local authorities in Múlaþing.
Welcome and congratulations Ian!
The Tundra Ecology Lab welcomes its newest member, Ian Klupar, who has arrived now in Iceland all the way from Alaska to do his PhD. Ian received very good news this week about the funding of his PhD project, titled “Alternative stable states of degraded rangeland ecosystems in a warmer world” by the PhD funds…
Towards a functional classification of mosses
Mosses are an important part of northern ecosystems but they are challenging to identify and often get lumped into a broad “moss” functional group in ecological studies. This new paper co-authored by Inga Svala, finally proposes a useful grouping of mosses into ecologically relevant and easily distinguishable bryophyte functional groups. The groupings are based on…
Successful main field season at the FENCES sites
The main field campaign at the FENCES sites took place Jul 31 to Aug 8. Very good weather and very effective field team, so we got everything done really quickly!
Tundra Ecology Lab visits the East
A couple of weeks ago some members of the Tundra Ecology Lab visited the East of Iceland. We are very grateful to our colleagues at Náttúrustofa Austurlands for a very warm welcome, especially Skarphéðinn Þórisson, Guðrún Óskarsdóttir, Hálfdán Helgi Helgason and Rán Þórarinsdóttir. During our visit we had the chance to learn more about the…
Starting the field season at the FENCES sites
Our first field visit of 2021 to the FENCES sites was on June 19-21. The spring is a bit late this year – everything was still brown and the dwarf birch was only shyly starting to leaf. As usual in our first annual visit we had many things to do, getting ready for the summer!…